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Sfantul Mormant, Ierusalim.
A fost ultima Biserica vizitata pe data de 30 aprilie 2012.

Holy Sepulchre (Sepulcher) Jerusalem.
It was the last Church visited on April 30-th, 2012.
Holy Sepulcre, Jerusalem Sursa (source): slash wiki slash Church_of_Saint_George,_Lod

Biserica Greco-Ortodoxa Sfantul Gheorghe, Lida, Lydda, Aria Metropolitana Tel Aviv.
A fost primul Locas Ortodox vizitat:
20 aprilie 2012, 01:30 PM si 19 mai 2014, 10:30 AM aprox.

Saint George Church, Greek-Orthodox, Lida, Lydda, Metropolitanate Area of Tel Aviv.
It was the first Orthodox Church visited both on:
April 20, 2012, 01:30 PM and May 19, 2014, 10:30 AM and so.
Saint George Church, Lida Lydda

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Petra, Wadi Musa, Muntele Nebo, Aqaba, Triclinium

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12 iunie 2021. Film. Jerash - Iordania. Documentar.

6 March 2020. Movie. Mini Doc: Jerash, Jordan The city of a thousand columns.

The King's Highway: The road that reveals Jordan's history.

The King's Highway Travel Guide.

Cu voia Dumnului am ajuns in 2012 sa vizitez aceste locuri de mai jos. Tot defileul de cca. 4 km inclusiv fenomenala Petra, stanca avea nuanta roz . Praful starnit de trasurile cu cai ce treceau pe langa pelerini si turisti ma deranjau la ochiul recent operat de cataracta. Camilele induratoare, racoarea din defileul ingust au contrabalansat puternic si definitiv zaduful, desi era inconjurati in defileul ingust de stanci cu inaltimea de peste 60 m, chiar peste 70 m. Desigur acest defilei mi se intinde pe toata lungimea celor 4 km al parcursului de la intrarea in acest si arheologic . Era pe la pranz. Reintorsi la autobuzul Asia Tours, condus de domnul Nasser, am simtit zapuseala. M-a incantat maiestria, agilitatea cu care un arab modela figurinele.

July 7, 2023. Roman Ruins in Jerash.

March 12, 2023. Lost Civilizations: Jerash, the Wonder of Jordan | Full Documentary.

20 noiembrie 2012. Iordania. O şară binecuvântată. Nicolae Tomescu.



March 7, 2018. Movie. Petra, Jordan. Civilisations.

1 iulie 2015. TVR1. Film. Petra, partea a intaia.

Petra, Arabic Baţrā , ancient city, centre of an Arab Kingdom in Hellenistic and Roman times, the ruins of which are in Southwest Jordan . The city was built on a terrace, pierced from east to west by the Wadi MŪSĀ (the Valley of Moses) one of the places where , according to tradition, the Israelite leader Moses struck a rock and water gushed forth. The Valley is enclosed by sandstone cliffs veined with shades of red and purple varying to pale yellow , and for this reason Petra was called by the 19th-century English biblical scholar John William Burgon a "rose-red city half as old as Time." The modern town of Wadi Mūsā , situated adjacent to the ancient city, chiefly serves the steady stream of tourists who continue to visit the site.

Nabateean people Nabataean, member of a people of ancient Arabia whose settlements lay in the borderlands between Syria and Arabia , from the Euphrates River to the Red Sea. Little is known about them before 312 BC , when they were unsuccessfully attacked by Demetrius I Poliorcetes , King of Macedonia, in their mountain fortress of Petra south of the Dead Sea . Their monopoly on the rich caravan trade that passed from the Arabian interior to the coast was the chief source of their prosperity. As the Seleucid Kingdom grew weaker in the 2nd century BC , the Nabataean Kingdom increased in strength and extended its frontiers to the north and east and probably to the south along the eastern coast of the Red Sea . The Nabateeans occupied Ḥawrān , and shortly after 85 BC their king Aretas III ruled Damascus and Coele Syria (Lebanon) . Upon the Roman general Pompey's entry into Palestine (63 BC), Aretas became a Roman vassal , retaining Damascus and his other conquests; Damascus , however, was later annexed by the Roman emperor Nero (reigned AD 54–68).

Petra one of 7 Wonders's website:

22 martie 2021. Petra, orasul antic sapat in piatra.

Petra, orasul antic . Petra, orasul sapat in stanca.

Nabateean Kingdom was a political state of the Arab Nabateeans during classical antiquity.

Tombs in Petra . This page attempts to enlist all the known Tombs in Petra . There are eight designs of tombs in Nabateean architecture . They are distinguished by the complexity of their carvings and whether they have columns, pediments or arches.

Petra Amphitheatre. Petra was not a city of the dead . In addition to tombs and temples in the canyons, Petra had whole neighborhoods of private and public buildings . One of the most prominent such public buildings was Greco-Roman Amphitheatre carved in the surrounding cliffs. Original structure was carved by the Nabateeans before the arrival of Romans. Original smaller structure was used for religious purposes. Once the Tenth Roman Legion arrived , they turned small theater into a magnificent amphitheater . Petra Amphitheatre was able to seat over 8,000 spectators during its heyday.

As time passes since my incredible trip to Jordan, it starts to feel more and more like a dream . ... Petra, the capital of the Nabateean Empire of King Aretas IV, was in it’s prime around 9 B.C. to A.D. 40 , but the kingdom had been in existence since the 6th century B.C . The Nabateeans were masters of irrigation and other water technology , and this is a skill that comes in handy in such an arid environment . This was a very modern civilization with brilliant engineers and craftsmen , as you are about to discover. Petra played a vital role as a centre of trade and commerce for the silk, spice and other caravan trade routes that linked China, India and Southern Arabia with Egypt, Syria, Greece, and Rome in ancient times. ...

Dushara also transliterated as Dusares, is a pre-Islamic Arabian god worshipped by the Nabateeans at Petra and Madain Saleh (of which city he was the patron) . Safaitic inscriptions imply he was the son of Al-Lat , and that he assembled in the heavens with other gods . He is called "Dushara from Petra" in one inscription . Dushara was expected to bring justice if called by the correct ritual.

24 iulie 2010. Orasul de piatra roz din Valea Iordaniei.

7 octombrie 2015. TVR1. Film. Petra, orasul de piatra, una dintre cele sapte minuni ale lumii . 2 June 2017. Movie. Petra, Jordan in 4K Ultra HD . Misteriosul oras al Nabateenilor . 16 May 2018. Movie. Wadi Rum (Official Resource) . 28 April 2018. Movie. Wadi Rum.


June 15, 2021. Movie. Petra Explained.

Wadi Musa

Acest oras, situat la cca. 2 km distanta de celebrul sit arheologic Petra, nu l-am vizitat in 2012. Sa aflam cate ceva in limba romana. Asadar wadi insemna vale , iar Musa, Moise Proorocul. Let's visit WADI Musa internet link . Wadi Musa means "Valley of Moses" in Arabic . It is said that Moses passed through the valley and struck water from the rock for his followers at the site of AIN Musa ("Moses Spring" - izvorul lui MOISE - or "Moses' Well") . The Nabateans built channels that carried water from this spring to the city of Petra . Wadi Musa was also nicknamed the "Guardian of Petraa". Are porecla Gardianul site-ului arheologic Petra.


2015. Universul Credintei: Pelerinaj in Iordania . March 6, 2014. Movie. Aqaba City, Jordan in HD . April 13, 2018. Movie. Aqaba Jordan, February 2018.

Muntele Nebo - Mount Nebo - Mont Nébo

roMuntele Nebo . ... Sculptura sarpelui brazen si vedere spre Tara Promisa-Marea Moarta si Ierusalim. ... Istoria Memorialului modern al lui Moise.

Mont Nébo.

April 20, 2018. Movie. Ancient city Petra, Jordan. 4K aerial video.

February 22, 2016. Movie. Floods in Petra.

April 10, 2013. Movie. Petra Virtual Tour.

2018. "Triclinium" Nabatéen aménagé à l'intérieur du massif rocheux connu sous le nom de Qasr Al-'Ajûz , sur le site antique de Hégra.

The long inscription of The Chapel of Oobodas, for example, recalls the lenghty ancestry of the builder and demonstates that this was owned by a particular family ...

Nabateean Religion has encompassed both Christendom and an earlier form of Arab polytheism practiced in Nabateea, an ancient ARab Nation which was well settled by the third century BCE and lasted until the Roman annexation in 106 CE.

Religione Nabateea è una forma di politeismo arabo praticato nella Nabateea , un'antica nazione araba stabilitasi dal III secolo a.C. e durata fino all'annessione Romana nel 106 d.C.

Siq Al-Barid - Little Petra . Just 6 km north the Nabateean capital's centre, the Siq Al-Barid ("Cold Canyon"), also known as Little Petra , and the area around Al-Beidha were an important base for the long-distance trade , and an ideal rest place for caravans . On the once fertile plains the pack and saddle animals could graze extensively. Thanks to numerous cisterns , there was sufficient water so that agriculture could flourish, including wine growing and making , as evidenced by a large number of well-preserved wine presses.

2016. Siq Al-Barid nicknamed Little Petra in Jordan is an archeological site nicknamed Little Petra because it is only about 1,500 feet long . This suburb of the larger Nabateean Community of Petra was built during the 1st century . It is listed as part of the same Unesco World Heritage Site.

Bedouin Desert Guard Police at Petra, Jordan.



Mount Nebo.

AD DEIR. The Monastery also spelled Ad-Dayr and El-Deir, is a monumental building carved out of rock in the ancient Jordanian city of Petra. The DEIR was probably carved in the mid-first century AD.

Nabateean Temple of Al-Deir, ruins of Petra, Jordan.

Archeological Sites to See in Jordan. By Andew Evans.

February 1, 2021. Movie. The Rise and Fall of the Kingdom of Nabateea.

May 5, 2020. Movie. Nabateeans and the Magi Wise Men visiting Jesus.

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Cum incepea fiecare zi a pelerinajului din perioada 19 - 30 aprilie 2012

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Ziua a treia, sambata, 21 aprilie, dupa pranz, Cana Galileii, Nazaret, Tiberias

Ziua a patra, duminica, 22 aprilie, Capernaum, Tabgha, Iordan, Madaba. Urmeaza Ierusalimul

Ziua a cincea, luni, 23 aprilie, Hozeva, Ierihon, Muntele Tentatiei

Ziua a sasea, marti, 24 aprilie, inainte de pranz, Ierusalim, Muntele Maslinilor, Gradina Ghetsimani

Ziua a sasea, marti, 24 aprilie, dupa pranz, Drumul Durerii, Aelia Capitolina, cele 14 Opriri, Biserica Dormitilor

Ziua a saptea, miercuri, 25 aprilie, Manastirea Sfantul Gherasim de la Iordan, trecerea in Iordania, Muntele Nebo

Ziua a opta, joi, 26 aprilie, Madaba, Amman, Petra, Wadi Musa, Muntele Nebo, Aqaba, Triclinium

Ziua a noua, vineri, 27 aprilie, Marea Rosie, Peninsula Sinai, Orasul Sfanta Ecaterina, Muntele Sinai

Ziua a zecea, sambata, 28 aprilie, Peninsula Sinai, Manastirea Sfanta Ecaterina

Ziua a unsprezecea, duminica, 29 aprilie, Betleem, Biserica Nasterii Mantuitorului Iisus, Hebron , Stejarul din Mamvri, Manastirea Sfantul Theodosie cel Mare, Manastirea Sfantul Sava cel Sfintit

Ziua a douasprezecea, luni, 30 aprilie, Betania, Ierusalim, Poarta Jaffa, Aeroportul Ben Gurion, Bucuresti Aeroportul Henry Coanda

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Fericitul intru adormire Constantin Galeriu

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Fericitul intru adormire Profesor Preot Nicolae D. Necula, † 2017

Fericitul intru adormire Teofil Paraian † 2009

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